Prepping for COB

CE Robots is gearing up for Clash of the Bots (COB) in Gastonia, NC. This is one of our favorite events (okay the next event is always our favorite). But this is the only event on the East coast with Bot Hockey. We will be attending with 2 ants, 1 beetle, and a 12 pound hockey bot built of wood.

Also, we’ve been frantically working on our design for BattleBots season 3. The first preview episode hits the air on May 10th with subsequent episodes on Thursdays at 8 PM starting in mid-June.

Lastly, and perhaps most exciting is we will be hosting Mini Bot Hockey at the Orlando Maker Faire. Check out our rules page for the official Mini Bot Hockey Ruleset. This is a fast-paced game with 6 bots (3 on each team) all trying to put a small puck into a goal. It’s all the hard-hitting action of real hockey, but with a slightly easier to follow the puck.

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